Etudes transversales


Eaux souterraines et de surface

Rapports sur la qualité des eaux autour des C.E.T.

Étude des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) dans les rejets d'eaux usées des C.E.T.

Articles scientifiques

  • BIETLOT É., LEBRUN V., COLLART C. 2017 Groundwater protection around landfills : from EU regulation ton site specific action plans. Proceedings of Sardinia International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2017.
    Article (11 pp.)
  • LEBRUN V., DELLOYE F., BIETLOT E., LE BUSSY O., COLLART C. (2011) Landfill of waste in Wallonia : Transposition of 1999/31/EC groundwater protection plan and trigger levels based on long term monitoring results. Proceeding Sardinia International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2011.
    Article (2 pp.) ─ Poster (v.o.) ─ Poster (v.f.)
  • BIETLOT É., LE BUSSY O., LEBRUN V., COLLART C. Characterisation of biowaste treatment plant leachates - towards environmental impact on surface and groundwater, 4th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Porto, Portugal, 2012
    Article (6 pp.)
  • LEBRUN V., LE BUSSY O., KHEFFI A., COLLART C., LALOUX T., SALPÉTEUR V. Landfill wastewater treatment plants (WTP) permeates vs EU directive 2000/60/CE: Case study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), ORBIT2008  Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2008.
    Article (.pdf)
  • AWONO S., KHEFFI A., HENNEBERT P., GODFROID S. Landfills waste water treatment plants permeates and european union directive 2000/60/EC : a case study of PAHs Proceedings of Sardinia - Tenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2005
    Article (10 pp.)
  • LEBRUN V., KHEFFI A., COLLART C., V. PETERS V. and MAQUINAY J.-Cl. Iron and manganese survey in aquifers surrounding landfills in Wallonia (Belgium), Proceedings of Sardinia 2007 - Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
    Article (10 pp.)

Qualité de l'air et odeurs

Rapports transversaux sur la qualité de l'air autour des C.E.T.

Articles scientifiques

  • COLLART C., LEBRUN V., FAYS S., SALPÉTEUR V., NICOLAS J., ROMAIN A.-C. Air monitoring around MSW sanitary landfills in Wallonia: feedback of 10 years field surveys, ORBIT2008, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2008.
    Article (.pdf)
  • NICOLAS J., ROMAIN A.-C., DELVA J., COLLART C., LEBRUN V. Odour annoyance assessment around landfill sites, NOSE2008 - International Conference on Environmental Odour Monitoring and Control – Rome, 2008
  • COLLART C., AWONO S., DENGIS P. Mesures des dioxines sur les unités de valorisation de gaz des Centres d'Enfouissement Technique en Région wallonne
    Article dioxines, juillet 2003

Air: émissions surfaciques des C.E.T.

  • HERZET S., COLLART C., BIETLOT E. , Biogas monitoring at the end of aftercare phase on a landfill site in Wallonia, Proceeding Sardinia 19th International Symposium on Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling 2023
  • BIETLOT É., S. GARZANITI S., DOR D., COLLART C., Assessment of the contribution of low emissive areas to the average global flux of biogas diffusing through landfill covers in Wallonia, Proceedings of Sardinia 2013 - International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium.
    Article (14 pp.)
  • LEBRUN V., KHEFFI A., GOHY M., R. FAFCHAMPS, COLLART C., J-Cl. MAQUINAY. Landfill gas (LFG) fugitive emissions on landfill surface - comparative test of on site analysis devices. Proceedings of Sardinia - Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, 2007
    Article (10 pp.)
  • AWONO S., COLLART C., KHEFFI A., FAFCHAMPS R., P. DENGIS P. Flame ionisation detector and linear kriging method for landfill cap leakage detection Proceedings of Sardinia 2005 - Tenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, 2005
    Article (8 pp.)


  • BIETLOT É., LEBRUN V., COLLART C., Landfill of waste in Wallonia: Environmental monitoring on MSW landfill sites in Wallonia: overview on 10 years of field measurements, Proceedings of Sardinia 2011 - International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, 2011.
    Article (9 pp.)